DealDash Tips: Why Didn’t I Think of That?


There have been many times on DealDash I have thought to myself “Why didn’t I think of that?” If you feel the same way, read on for more information.

Everyone tends to look at things from a different perspective, and things that are obvious to you might not be clear to me, and vice-versa. In this article, I will tell you about some of the things that I have learned from watching other DealDash bidders. Truly, I have learned quite a bit by just observing many auctions and tons of different bidding styles. Here are some tips I’ve learned from watching other bidders on DealDash.

You Don’t Need to be the First Bidder

Before I really got heavily into DealDash bidding I did quite a bit of research by reading different articles online. Many of these articles seemed to suggest that unless you join the auction in the very beginning then the other bidders would be upset if you joined in later. Now, this might be the case if you join in the last few bids before the auction reaches the $5 No Jumper limit. However, if you join at the $3 or $4 mark, for example, no one will most likely notice or care.

The $5 No Jumper limit was put in place to limit how many bidders can enter an auction at any one time, so the bidders have a better chance of winning. So technically, even if you join the auction at $4.99 then you are still within the rules. However, if there are only 2 or 3 people left in the auction at that point, they are definitely going to notice and not be very happy. This can make them fight even harder and longer for the auction because they feel that you are “late to the game”. In short, you can save bids by not joining an auction until closer to $5, but personally, I wouldn’t join too close to $5.

Want Free Bids? Use the Time Clock

When I first started bidding on DealDash, I could never understand why people would stay in an auction when they clearly weren’t going to win. For example, you can see when everyone placed their first bid – so why would someone who placed their first bid at $.02 and have been continuously bidding still be trying to win a $10 gift card whose auction value is currently $7? They have obviously put in way more than $3 worth of bids, which would be their break-even point. The answer is Time As The Highest Bidder (TATHB).

TATHB is when you get time on your time clock for each of the 10 seconds or so that you are the highest bidder. Once you have filled up your time clock, then DealDash will give you free bids. Once this bidder realized that they had put in enough bids to break even on the gift card and decided to do a BIN (Buy It Now) to get all of their bids back, yet saw that there were still 20 people still in the auction, it just makes sense to keep bidding! They figure that they might as well rack up some time on their time clock as the highest bidder to get their free bids faster. If there are more than 5 people in an auction it’s very unlikely that the auction will end abruptly with everyone canceling their bids at the same time. However, it CAN happen, so do this at your own risk.

Thanks for Reading the Tips Blog

I hope this article has encouraged you to use observe other bidders on DealDash. Remember, the more you watch the other bidders on DealDash, the more knowledge you have to win auctions. Now get out there and check out the auctions on DealDash. Visit DealDash now to see what’s up and new for auction. DealDash has everything you want and need. Have fun on DealDash, and happy bidding everyone!



This sponsored DealDash blog post was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated by DealDash for this blog post. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.


DealDash Tidbit Auction Tips

DealDash Tips

Some DealDash tips don’t need very much elaboration. These little tidbit tips are great for reading when you don’t have a lot of time. Read on and get some great tips.

We here at DealDash Tips Blog love to write articles for you that are not only informative but also entertaining. However, we also realize that sometimes you don’t have a lot of time to waste and want to get right down to the business of winning auctions. Without further ado, here are some little tidbit tips for you to read when you’re having a time crunch.

Tips for Buying Bids

  • Buy the largest bid pack that fits within your budget. No matter where you shop, buying in volume always makes sense.
  • Wait for a sale to buy bids. If the bid price is .17 today, I can almost guarantee it will be lower in the next couple of days.
  • Don’t wait until you are almost out of bids to buy a bid pack. See the tip above? If you wait until the last second to buy bids you might end up paying a premium for them.

Tips for Choosing an Auction

  • There are SO many more auctions than the ones just on the main DealDash homepage. Click to the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. page and see what’s coming up in a few minutes or later on in the day.
  • Don’t bid from the main homepage. Open up the auction that you want to bid on. You will get valuable information such as who won the item last, and for what price.
  • Use the categories to browse. If you don’t see anything that you’re interested in bidding on then use the category drop-down menu to get some ideas.
  • If you don’t see what you want, do a search. DealDash can only show so many future auctions on the main pages. Use the search bar to input exactly what you’re interested in and see if you can find what you’re looking for.

Tips for Bidding

  • If there are 10+ people in an auction that you’re interested in and it’s nowhere near the $5 No Jumper cutoff, just sit and wait. The likelihood of all 10 bidders going out at the same time is extremely unlikely (but not impossible!) so wait until there are fewer bidders.
  • Use Your BidBuddy. That’s all there is to it.
  • Bid up to the BIN (Buy It Now) price, and you can get all of your bids back by purchasing the item.

Thanks for Reading

I hope that you found this DealDash Tips article on DealDash tidbit tips was helpful. Remember to check the Tips blog daily, because you can’t ever learn too much about DealDash. If you would like to read our other blogs, be sure to check out our other blogs, and

Be sure to visit DealDash and see what you can bid on for your family. DealDash has everything you need for your home and yard. DealDash is the site to save. Have a great time on DealDash and happy bidding everyone!

DealDash Tips Bid Friendly


This sponsored blog post was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated by DealDash for this blog post. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

January’s DealDash Tips You Shouldn’t Ignore


Here are some tips for January that you shouldn’t ignore. Keep them in mind and you’ll find yourself winning! Read on for more information from DealDash.

I hope you have all been having a lovely January so far. It’s been so cold and snowy recently most people have been staying inside other than snow blowing. When you’re stuck inside there’s no better pastime than spending some time on DealDash! Here are some tips that you shouldn’t be ignored in January.

Don’t Follow the Crowd

You’ve heard it before, be a leader, not a follower! Check the Winner’s Tab on the main DealDash homepage. See what items are being won for higher prices. Do you see that everyone is bidding on a certain item or even just in a certain category? Once you have figured out what’s popular on DealDash on that particular day – avoid it! There’s no need to follow the crowd on DealDash.

Think about it, DealDash has millions of registered users, but they all don’t use the site every day. On certain days there will be people that are interested in outdoor items, other days there might be people who are more interested in baby items. If you are interested in baby items on the same day that people seem to be trending towards baby items – bid on something else that day! Come back another day for the baby items.

Avoid Bidders You have Battled and Lost

If you’ve been on DealDash for a while you probably have started to recognize certain bidder’s names, especially if you tend to stick to the same types of items and categories. If you find that you have gotten into a hard battle with someone and lost you might want to try avoid another battle with the same person in the near future.

The reason is simple! If you have recently lost to a person after a battle then they will probably remember your username…And how the beat you. They will think that you aren’t as tough to beat. This is not necessarily true, of course, but they will think it, even if it’s unconscious thinking. Of course, when I say “a battle” with them I don’t mean that they are one of 5 or 6 or 7 people that you were just bidding against in an auction, I am speaking of a 1-on-1 situation.

Thanks for Reading

I hope that you found this DealDash Tips article on January tips that should not be ignored helpful. Remember to check the Tips blog daily, because you can’t ever learn too much about DealDash. If you would like to read our other blogs, be sure to check out our other blogs, and

Be sure to visit DealDash and see what you can bid on for your lifestyle. DealDash has everything you need for your home and family. DealDash is the site to save. Have a great time on DealDash and happy bidding everyone!

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This sponsored blog post was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated by DealDash for this blog post. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.


DealDash Top Tips Weekly Round-Up 01/05


Welcome to the latest DealDash Weekly Top Tip Round-Up. Today we’ll round-up some of the top tips for you from last week. Read on for more information from the DealDash Tips Blog for 01/05.

Welcome to the newest January edition of the DealDash Top Tip Round-Up series. All of the writers here at the DealDash Tips Blog love to share our top tips with you. In this series, we continue to highlight the most helpful tips from the previous week. We love to share our knowledge with all of the newbie (and not so new) DealDash bidders. Read on for a recap of the best tips from last week, from the DealDash Tips Blog.

Purchase Sale Bids from the December 25th Blog

The theme of December 25th’s blog was regarding promotions that are held on DealDash. The top tip of that blog was to purchase bids when they are on a good sale. There’s no need to buy bids at a higher price like .17 when you can wait until they are priced much lower like .12 or .13. The advice from that blog included a price comparison to help you see what a big difference it can make:

Price of bid packs at .17

  • 600 for $102
  • 1200 for $204
  • 2400 for $408

Price of bid packs at .12

  • 600 bids for $72
  • 1200 bids for $144
  • 2400 bids for $288

If you’d like to read that blog in its entirety, just click this link right here and you can check it out.

Music Helps You Workout from the December 26th Blog

December 26th’s blog was suggestions on getting fit in the new year with some help from DealDash. The top tip from that blog was to snag some Bluetooth headphones from DealDash to help make your workouts more fun. They’re great for everyone and make an excellent present as well. Theresa wrote:

“Everyone knows one of the key components to an awesome workout is music. Whether you’re steppin’ to rap or slowing it down to jazz, find these great additions to your fitness plan on DealDash.”

DealDash has a super selection of gift cards. And remember, if you don’t win the gift card you were bidding on you can always BIN (Buy It Now) and get all of your bids back.

 Love Winning from the December 27th Blog

The blog on December 27th was about how to maximize your wins. There were a few good tips in there, but the star of the blog was to bid within your budget. When you take the time to plan out your budget and stick to it, then you will be able to maximize your wins on DealDash. Give it a try!

Setting Up a Budget from the December 28th Blog

There were some excellent tips for setting up a budget in the December 28th blog that was written by Barbara. There was tons of good information in that blog, but the real gem was on how to make your bids last longer. Barbara wrote:

“To make your bids last longer, you can win free bids, without spending any more money on bid packs and without going over your budget.”

Thanks for Reading

I hope that you found this DealDash Tips article with some top tips for January 5th helpful. Remember to check the Tips blog daily, because you can never learn too much about bidding. If you would like to read our other blogs, be sure to check out our other blogs, and Come back weekly to get the recap of each week’s top tips.

Visit DealDash when you’re done here and see what you can win today. DealDash has everything you need for your life and family. DealDash is a great way to shop. Have a great time on DealDash and happy bidding everyone!


This sponsored blog post was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated by DealDash for this blog post. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.