New Year, New DealDash Tips


Happy new year! Here are some new DealDash Tips for you to read and integrate into your winning strategy.

We all know about some tried and true DealDash tips such as using the BidBuddy and buying your bids on sale. Sometimes, though, it’s fun to branch out and explore new tips that you might not have considered using before. Many people enjoy using the classic tips, but some new and innovative bidders might enjoy some fresh tips. Read on for more information on some new DealDash tips.

Pay Attention to the Time

There is something that you might not have considered before on DealDash, and that fact is that sometimes DealDash sells out of bids. I have only seen it happen a few times in my years on DealDash, but it has happened. This is why you should pay attention to the time when you are planning on buying bids. You don’t want to wait until the last minute when you absolutely need them – because they could be sold out. Keep a nice stash of bids available for you to use when you need them. You’ll be glad that you did.

Don’t Underestimate the Newbies

A mistake that I have seen happen time and time again is older and more established bidders underestimating the newbies on DealDash. This isn’t smart! Yes, I realize that sometimes new bidders don’t exactly understand everything about DealDash, but you still should not underestimate them. It’s possible that you see their profile and it looks like they joined today – but this could be a person who played on DealDash years ago and recently re-activated their account. Or they might have been an active bidder on a different bidding website and have recently decided to change over to DealDash, because they’re the best! You should remember that just because a person looks like a newbie doesn’t mean that they don’t have any bidding skills.

Keep Things in Perspective

As you’re bidding, don’t forget to keep things in perspective. This is just a shopping entertainment website. There’s no reason to get upset or sad that you aren’t the winner of a particular auction. There are hundreds of DealDash auctions per day. Just keep trying, bidding, and learning, and you will be a big winner on DealDash in no time.

Thanks for Reading the Tips Blog

I hope this article was helpful for you to think about a few new DealDash tips today. Go ahead check out the new auctions on DealDash. DealDash has lots of fresh items for you to bid on. Visit DealDash now and see how much you can save. DealDash has everything you need.  Have fun and happy bidding everyone!


This sponsored blog post was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated by DealDash for this blog post. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

Get New Year’s Eve Deals on DealDash!


Happy New Year’s Eve everyone! There will be some good New Year’s Eve deals on DealDash tomorrow. Here are some winning tips for you…

It’s New Year’s Eve eve! Have you planned out your New Year’s Eve plans? If you’re anything like me, the evening will include watching the ball drop on TV and bidding on DealDash auctions! DealDash always has some great bid sales and promotions on holidays, and New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day are no exception. You’ll have to sign into DealDash tomorrow to find out what sale is going on. For now, continue reading this article to get some winning tips.

Holiday Bidding

Holiday bidding can go two ways – sometimes it’s not very busy at all because people are busy with their loved ones. Other times it can get very busy because DealDash always has great sales and promotions on holidays. If I had to guess, judging by previous years, there won’t be very much bidding going on later in the evening on New Year’s Eve. I would guess that there will be even less during the early morning hours on New Year’s Day. Of course, with DealDash you really never know what’s going to happen! That’s the fun of DealDash. However, if you’re busy during these times, no problem. You can always use your BidBuddy to bid for you when you aren’t available.

 The BidBuddy Doesn’t Party

If you’re going to be busy partying New Year’s Eve and sleeping in on New Year’s Day, then you’re not going to have time to bid on DealDash. You don’t want to miss any of the fun or promotions that are going to be happening, so your obvious solution is to use the BidBuddy. The BidBuddy doesn’t party and he never sleeps.

If you’re going to be busy, then BidBuddy is definitely the solution that you need. The BidBuddy is a free tool that DealDash gives to every bidder to use in any and all auction. You are able to put in as many or as few bids as you like. You can cancel it or add more bids at any time – though if you’re partying or sleeping you might want to add enough bids to reach the BIN (Buy It Now) price. This way if you don’t win the auction then you can just pay the retail price, get your item, and get all of the bids that you placed back into your account. Give it some thought, you can use the BidBuddy in any way that you like.

Thanks for Reading the Tips Blog

I hope that you found this DealDash Tips article on New Year’s Eve bidding on DealDash helpful. Remember to check the Tips blog daily, because you can’t ever learn too much about DealDash. If you would like to read our other blogs, be sure to check out our other blogs, and

Be sure to visit DealDash and see what you can bid on. DealDash has everything you need for your home and family. DealDash is the site to save. Have a great time on DealDash and happy bidding everyone!


This sponsored blog post was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated by DealDash for this blog post. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

Love Wins? Here are Some DealDash Tips


Do you love wins? Of course you do! Here are some DealDash tips to help you out with your quest for more wins.

Everyone loves to win. From the little kid on the soccer field to grandma at bingo, what they have in common is their love of winning. Now, if you are a regular bidder on DealDash then you are probably used to winning. However, no matter how many auctions you win, you’ll want to win more auctions with bigger prizes. Here are some tips to get you on your way to even more wins than before.

Bid in Your Budget

A way to be sure that you’re getting the most wins for your money is to be sure that you’re bidding within your budget. When you take the time to plan out your budget and stick to it, then you will be able to maximize your wins on DealDash. And we all want to maximize our wins. So take a little time before you get started bidding and plan out your budget.

Leave Yourself Enough Time to Bid

Another way that will get you onto the DealDash Winner’s List is to be sure that you have enough time to complete an auction before you join in. Some auctions, especially for higher-priced items can go for hours and hours. I have even participated in a few auctions that went overnight and into the next day. If you don’t leave yourself time to complete the auction, though, you run the risk of not winning the auction. Of course, you can always set up your BidBuddy to get you through until you can come back to the computer. However, personally, if I am participating in an unusually large or expensive auction I like to stick close to my computer and check the auction every half hour or so. It’s up to you! That’s the beauty of DealDash. You can bid your way, which is any way that you like.

Thanks for Reading

I hope that you found this DealDash Tips article on a few DealDash tips to help you win helpful. Remember to check the Tips blog daily, because you can’t ever learn too much about DealDash. If you would like to read our other blogs, be sure to check out our other blogs, and

Be sure to visit DealDash and see what you can bid on for your home. DealDash has everything you love for your home and family. DealDash is the site to save. Have a great time on DealDash and happy bidding everyone!


This sponsored blog post was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated by DealDash for this blog post. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.


Quick Tips for Great Wins on DealDash


Do you need some quick DealDash tips to get you going on your way to wins? No problem, the DealDash Tips Blog is here to help.

If you find yourself bidding in auctions on DealDash and not winning as much as you would like, then maybe you need some tips to help get yourself some wins. Depending on what you are trying to win, these tips could make the difference between you winning or BINning an auction. Read on for more information on DealDash quick tips.

Don’t Get in Over Your Head

When you’re bidding in an auction on DealDash, be sure that you aren’t getting on over your head. For example, if you know that you only have 100 bids in your bid bank and no plans to buy more bids that day, then you probably shouldn’t get into an auction for a high-dollar auction. Sure, people have won TVs and other expensive items for just 100 bids, but it’s fairly unlikely. You would have a much better chance of winning something smaller such as jewelry or a smaller household item.

Only Bid on Your Favorites

In addition to not bidding on large items when you have very few bids, you should really only be bidding on things that you are crazy about. Why in the world would you want to use up your bids on something that you wouldn’t be thrilled to own or to give as a gift? Of course, there is always the option on DealDash to exchange your win for bids, but I personally wouldn’t recommend bidding on things solely to exchange them. Winning something that you love is such a better feeling than winning something that you are only “so-so” about.

Bid for Your Lifestyle

Bidding for your lifestyle is important, too. You might really love that kayak or that tent, but if you live in a tiny apartment in the middle of a big city and rarely get out into the wilderness, then they probably aren’t really good items for you to bid on. The same goes for you non-cooks – if your idea of “cooking” is calling for take-out, then you probably shouldn’t be bidding on expensive stand mixers and other high-end kitchen items. Bid on what you love, and what makes sense for your lifestyle.

Thanks for Reading

I hope that you found this DealDash Tips article on a few quick DealDash tips helpful. Remember to check the Tips blog daily, because you can’t ever learn too much about DealDash. If you would like to read our other blogs, be sure to check out our other blogs, and

Be sure to visit DealDash and see what you can bid on for your lifestyle. DealDash has everything you love for your home and family. DealDash is the site to save. Have a great time on DealDash and happy bidding everyone!

DealDashThis sponsored blog post was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated by DealDash for this blog post. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.